Occupational Licences

Unleashing Potential, The Burdens of Occupational Licensing and How It Can Be Reformed in Puerto Rico

Occupational licenses are state regulations that set requirements for individuals to practice a specific trade or profession. These requirements may include formal education or training, work experience, passing exams, and payment of fees, among others.

Unleashing Potential, The Burdens of Occupational Licensing and How It Can Be Reformed in Puerto Rico Read More »

Ángel Carrión-Tavárez, Ph.D.
February 26, 2024
Unleashing Potential

Review of PR’s licensing requirements for occupations under the scope of the dataset from the Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation

The following report presents the results of research and analysis aimed at characterizing how the licensing requirements of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico compare to those in the United States. This work builds on the report titled Review of PR’s occupations under the scope of the US Institute for Justice License to Work National Study

Review of PR’s licensing requirements for occupations under the scope of the dataset from the Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation Read More »

Universidad de Puerto Rico
June 14, 2022

Review of Occupational Licensing Management Systems for a set of Jurisdictions in the US

This report was developed under an agreement between the University of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico’s State Department (Departamento de Estado; DE). The agreement is aligned with the Ease of Doing Business division of Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight & Management Board for Puerto Rico and the approved Fiscal Plan of the Government of Puerto Rico.

Review of Occupational Licensing Management Systems for a set of Jurisdictions in the US Read More »

Universidad de Puerto Rico
May 20, 2022

Characterization of PR’s Occupational Licenses

The following report presents the results of research conducted over a 13-week period to characterize the licensing requirements of 90 licenses in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. This report considers the occupations pursued by the general community. The reason a few occupations with licensing requirements were not included was their rarity among the general public,

Characterization of PR’s Occupational Licenses Read More »

Universidad de Puerto Rico
November 30, 2021

Review of PR’s occupations under the scope of the Institute for Justice License to Work National Study of Burdens from Occupational Licensing

The following report presents the results of research conducted over a 9-week period to characterize the licensing requirements of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for a set of occupations as defined by the second edition of the report License to Work. The LTW was published by the Institute for Justice (www.ij.org) in 2017. The LTW

Review of PR’s occupations under the scope of the Institute for Justice License to Work National Study of Burdens from Occupational Licensing Read More »

Universidad de Puerto Rico
September 30, 2021
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