Limited Government

A President Who Warned Americans What Extravagant Federal Spending Would Do to Character

In August 2023, when we mark the centennial of Calvin Coolidge’s ascendance to the presidency upon the unexpected death of Warren Harding, we should celebrate his devotion to economy in government—and not just that he talked about it, but mainly because he delivered on it.

A President Who Warned Americans What Extravagant Federal Spending Would Do to Character Read More »

Lawrence W. Reed
April 12, 2023

Occupational licenses, a barrier to individual prosperity

Occupational licensing - state regulation of particular jobs - presents barriers to the economic freedom of individuals. Over time, the state has increased regulation of occupations, thereby increasing labor costs and subsistence, and limiting opportunities for access to jobs and trades. This has raised concerns for individuals, legislators and multi-sector leaders who seek to reform the sector to promote freedoms, including economic freedom, and economic growth.

Occupational licenses, a barrier to individual prosperity Read More »

Milton J. Quiles
April 7, 2023

The reforms that will save Puerto Rico

The preliminary costs of the bankruptcy, amounting to $1 billion so far, should be a powerful incentive for us to force structural reforms that will save Puerto Rico from a second bankruptcy and an economic cliff. It would be an act of collective folly to ignore the reasons that led us into the fiscal hole and to have become the first state government in the United States to file for bankruptcy.

The reforms that will save Puerto Rico Read More »

Gustavo Velez
March 23, 2023

The Role of Government and the free Market

The free-market system allows the individual to interact freely for the satisfaction of his conception of the good life within the rule of law. The individual as an agent is the main actor within the market; however, private, or public businesses and the State itself also figure as actors in the free market. In this article, we present the three ways in which the State acts in the free market.

The Role of Government and the free Market Read More »

Ojel L. Rodríguez Burgos

January 3, 2023
Government and the free Market

Lessons from Messi and Di María for Politicians in LatAm and Europe

What can they learn about competition, free trade, poverty, regulation, and innovation on both sides of the Atlantic? Argentina's triumph in the World Cup organized by Qatar has given Lionel Messi the last trophy he was missing. Argentina's achievement has also left several lessons that can be extrapolated far beyond soccer. Here are three lessons that our politicians can learn from the world champions.

Lessons from Messi and Di María for Politicians in LatAm and Europe Read More »

Federico N. Fernández
December 27, 2022
Lessons from Messi and Di María for Politicians in LatAm and Europe

Markets Aren't Perfect, but Government Is Worse

No serious free marketer believes that markets are perfect. We aren't utopians. Unfortunately, perfect markets and perfect competition are often the starting point of economic textbooks. This rosy starting point leads many to conclude that when conditions are less than perfect, the best course of action for a correction is government intervention. It's wrong.

Markets Aren't Perfect, but Government Is Worse Read More »

Veronique de Rugy
October 24, 2022

Puerto Rico urgently needs a facilitating government and a decentralized economy

One of the big problems we have in Puerto Rico is the worldview that the population has in relation to the functions of the state. We have become accustomed to seeing the government as the one that has to solve social problems, we justify its meddling in economic aspects and we even pay homage to politicians by treating them with certain airs of royalty.

Puerto Rico urgently needs a facilitating government and a decentralized economy Read More »

Nilda Perez Martinez
July 14, 2022
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